Ben Taylor | Operations Manager

Ben Taylor | Operations Manager

Name and Occupation?

Ben Taylor – Operations Manager

How did you get into coffee?

I didn't drink hot beverages until well into my 20's. It wasn't a conscious choice I was just too busy drinking mountain spring water and eating foraged morsels. Late to the game, I was a real convert through a strong flatty.

What is it that you like about coffee specifically?

Once you pay attention, coffee tastes like so many things that you wouldn’t associate with coffee - raspberries, peaches, jam, for example. There is a world of flavour to explore.

What is your favourite coffee origin, and why?

Rwandan is hard to beat for it's balance. I’ve never been good at favourites, so I’ll leave it there. Mind you, a good robust Guatemalan hits the spot.

Washed or Natural, and why?

Washed, then natural. I like funk, but not every day.

How do you drink yours?

V60. This recipe is a good place to start…

What is your proudest achievement in coffee?

Being part of the evolution of Rounton Coffee.

If you were not working in coffee, what would you be doing?

Back in the day, I worked in the beer world. I’d probably be back there.

If you could change one thing in the coffee industry, what would that be?

Instant coffee. Nothing instant is worth it, except good quality stock cubes and photo booths.

What do you do away from coffee?

Running, my family and the outdoors (not in order of preference).