A well maintained and inspected machine is key to your success (and safety)!
What is a PSSR Inspection?
PSSR stands for Pressure System Safety Regulations (2000). It is a set of Health and Safety regulations that impose certain duties that relate to pressure systems. These regulations aim to prevent serious injury from the hazard of stored energy as a result of a failure of the pressure system or one of its parts.Before using any pressurised system, a Written Scheme of Examination must be in place and an examination must be done.
What is a Written Scheme of Examination?
A Written Scheme of Examination (WSE) is a document that outlines the steps necessary to carry out an appropriate safety inspection on a particular piece of equipment that falls under the PSSR regs.The WSE will detail:
- Asset information
- Parts which need to be examined
- Nature of the examination required
- Frequency of inspection / Interval between inspections
- Name and information about the engineer and competent authority
How do the PSSR regs affect my coffee machine?
Most but not all coffee machines fall under the PSSR regs as the system contains steam which the HSE classify as a "relevant fluid".
How do I know if my machine needs an inspection?
If your machine produces steam, then it is likely that you will need an inspection. Most filter/drip coffee machines operate without steam and pressure, so these are generally exempt from the regulations.
The inspection needs to be carried out by a qualified engineer who has received training specifically related to the specific type of equipment they are inspecting. The purpose of this inspection is to check that all safety features are working correctly and there are no potential risks associated with using or maintaining the equipment.

Our in-house service department can assist with your PSSR inspections.
What happens on an inspection and how long does it take?
Our expert engineer will fully disassemble the coffee machine, drain the boiler and remove the heating element. All welds and conditions of the machine will be inspected and tested. The Safety Relief valve will be tested with a calibrated pump to ensure that it will work in the event of a high-pressure event. Once complete, our engineer will reassemble the machine and ensure that it is functioning correctly! A report will then be submitted to the competent authority for approval.The whole inspection process should take around 2 hours.
Rounton Coffee always includes a front-end service on top of the boiler inspection, so another great reason why it is a good idea to get the inspection done. If in doubt, please get in touch with us directly.
As a coffee shop owner, you need to understand why having a PSSR inspection conducted on your commercial coffee machine is so important. Not only does it ensure compliance with UK law but it also helps you to reduce downtime due to faults or breakdowns, preventing costly repairs in the future.
With these points in mind, consider investing in regular PSSR Inspections for your commercial coffee machines today - contact us to arrange yours.