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Storm Tea - Handcrafted Organic Assam Bherjan Estate

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£9.00 £8.55


£9.00 £8.55


£9.00 £8.55

Every 2 Months

£9.00 £8.55

This Assam tea is amongst the richest and most full-bodied in the world and is named after the region of its production, Assam, in northeast India. Assam tea is manufactured specifically from the plant Camellia sinensis var. assamica which is native to the region. This tea is unusual since it grows close to sea level unlike the rest of the world’s best teas which are always grown at high altitudes.

This part of India experiences high precipitation during the monsoon period when as much as 10 to 12 inches (250–300 mm) of rain falls per day. The daytime temperature rises to about 96.8F (36 °C), creating greenhouse-like conditions of extreme humidity and heat. This tropical climate contributes to Assam's unique malty taste, a feature for which this tea is well known and loved.

What is in this product?

Ingredients: Ingredients: Organic Assam Tea Leaves

How to make the perfect Handcrafted Organic Green Tea, Orange Pekoe, Thotulagalla Estate:

Brew Proportions: 1 teaspoon or 3g of tea to 250mls water Brew Temperature: 100 C Infusion Time: 5 to 6 mins

Health Benefits

Aid Digestion & High Cholesterol

There are many health benefits locked within the leaves of black tea including the ability to aid digestive disorders, reduce high cholesterol levels, with polyphenols which are known to neutralise free radicals that can cause cancer.